All Classes and Interfaces

Basic filters used to restrict the selection process to certain cards.
Indicates that the communication with the card failed.
Card reader driving the underlying hardware to manage the card detection.
Card event data container indicating a change of state.
Possible card events.
Reader observation error handler to implement in order to be notified of errors that may occur during operations carried out by the card monitoring process.
Reader observer to implement in order to receive CardReaderEvent from a ObservableCardReader.
SPI provided by a card extension, allowing to enrich a selection case with additional commands if required, and to interpret the return to selection in order to build and fill the specific SmartCard which acts as an image of the targeted card.
Service dedicated to card selection, based on the preparation of a card selection scenario.
Result of a selection process.
Common filters used to restrict the selection process to certain cards.
Common ISO filters used to restrict the selection process to certain ISO 7816-4 cards.
Types of templates available in return for the Select Application command, according to the ISO7816-4 standard.
Navigation options through the different applications contained in the card according to the ISO7816-4 standard.
Configurable card reader providing the methods to manage the card protocols.
Indicates that a response received from the card during the selection process was invalid.
ISO filters used to restrict the selection process to certain ISO 7816-4 cards.
ISO 7816-4 smart card with which communication has been established after a selection process and which is ready to receive APDUs.
Card reader able to observe the insertion/removal of cards.
Card detection management options to be applied after processing a card.
The options that apply when a card is detected.
Reader API Factory.
Reader API properties.
Indicates that the communication with the reader failed.
Indicates that the current card protocol is not supported by the reader.
Response of the execution of a scheduled selection scenario provided by a CardReaderEvent.
Basic smart card with which communication has been established after a selection process and which is ready to receive APDUs.